xHREMTM: HREM Simulation Suite
New Version (v5.0) is available now for WinHREM and MacHREM.
The STEM Extension now supports the GPU (for Windows and macOS).
xHREMTM (WinHREMTM/MacHREMTM) is a suite of the high-resolution electron microscope (HREM) simulation programs that will run under both Windows and Mac OS. The suite is composed of xHREM to simulate high-resolution Transmission Electron Microscope (HRTEM) images and the two options (Extensions) for Convergent Beam Electron Diffraction (CBED) and Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope (STEM), respectively.
xHREM emerges from the HREM image simulation programs based on FFT multislice technique developed at Arizona State University, USA. This is one of the most reliable and efficient HREM image simulation programs in the world. xHREM supports a multi-core CPU and the computing speed is optimized by using Intel’s Math Kernel Library (MKL). Please consult each catalog listed below for more information.
STEM simulation
Computation time of STEM image simulation can be reduced to 1/20 using an efficient interpolation method compared with the versions before v3.6.(see the details) Thus, one day calculation in the past can be done just within one hour. In addition, the cluster version for STEM Extension is available. Read More
GPU support (STEM Extension from v5.x)
STEM Extension supports many GPU(s) based on CUDA for Windows and on OpenCL for Windows and macOS. Read More
Manual (PDF format)
- xHREM: HRTEM Image Simulation
- STEM Extension: STEM Image Simulation
- CBED Extension: Coherent CBED Simulation
- Q and A
References and Technical Notes
- K. Ishizuka and N. Uyeda: A New Theoretical and Practical Approach to the Multislice Method, Acta Cryst. A33 (1977) 740.
- K. Ishizuka: Contrast Transfer of Crystal Images in TEM, Ultramicroscopy 5 (1980) 55.
- K. Ishizuka: A practical approach for STEM image simulation based on the FFT multislice method, Ultramicroscopy 90 (2002) 71-83.
- K. Ishizuka: Multislice Formula for Inclined Illumination, Acta Cryst. A38 (1982) 773-779.
- K. Ishizuka: Prospects of atomic resolution imaging with an aberration-corrected STEM, J. Electron Microsc. 50 (2001) 291-305.
Commercial Programs (Licensed Programs)
You have to purchase a license (hardware key) to run this program.
Please send your price enquiry to support@hremresearch.com.
- HREM Simulation Suite (64bit) Windows (v5.3.3) MacOS (v5.3.3)
(xHREM, CBED Extenstion and STEM Extenstion) - STEM Extenstion Cluster Version (64bit) Send a request
A separate license is required for each node PC. - User Key Driver / Remote Update System (RUS)
User key is required for commercial programs
Previous Version
- HREM Simulation Suite (64bit) v5.2 Windows
(xHREM, CBED Extenstion and STEM Extenstion) - HREM Simulation Suite (64bit) v5.1.3 MacOS
(xHREM, CBED Extenstion and STEM Extenstion)